Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Next full cast rehearsal. . . Monday July 20th


Please be sure to come to our 5:00 p.m. rehearsal on July 20th.

If you can record your video prior to that day, that would be great!

Make sure you work on your "image board" that will be in your own rehearsal space (at home), and that you also work on your "chart" for what you do and don't have in common with your character.

Be ready to share next week.

Be well!!!


Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Good Morning Friends!

Please check this video out!  

Notice how well the dancers/actors/musicians use their "frame".  

Notice how their movements are sharp and concise.  

Notice the stories they tell!

Monday, July 6, 2020

Rehearsal update!!!!


Great session tonight!

Here are your goals for next Monday, July 13th at 5:00 p.m.

1. Begin to work on your own Image Board!  Be ready to share it with the rest of the cast!

2. Create a "journal".  Begin to think about what you have in common with your character (column A and what you do not, column B).

Write them down.

3.  Begin to work on your solo lines for the opening You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown.

I will get your t-shirts to you this week!!!

Thank you for a wonderful day!



Monday, June 29, 2020

Charlie Brown Update!

Hello Friends,

As we wait on a confirmation on our first meeting-in person date/location, (with social distnacing), here is an outline of the week to come.

June 30th-no rehearsal 

Friday July 3rd 5:00 p.m.
Lucy, Charlie Brown, Schroeder, Sally, Linus, Snoopy

Monday July 6th  
5:00 p.m.
ALL CAST!  On-Line as of now.
Reveiw "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown" in preparation for recording.

Wednesday July 8th 
5:00 p.m.
5:45 p.m. 

Thursday July 9th
4:30 p.m.
Charlie Brown
5:00 p.m.
Lucy, Linus, Charlie Brown

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Flutterbye Strong!

Dear Flutterbye Family!

Thank you for all your support during our Spring Fundraiser!

Enjoy our celebratory video!!!

All our love,
The 2020 Cast 
You're A Good Man,  Charlie Brown

Thursday, June 18, 2020

So Much Fun!!!

My Blanket and Me!
Just a short video clip to enjoy!

Thank you Skylar,Lexi and Robin!

Monday, June 15, 2020

Solo Parts for Opening "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown"

Linus: "Oh, well that's the way it goes."

You're a good man, Charlie Brown.-Robin
You're a good man, Charlie Brown.-Lexi
Charlie Brown-Quinn

You're the kind of reminder we need.-Noah
You have humility, nobility, and a sense of  honor
That is very rare indeed.-Lexi

You're a prince, and a prince could be king.-Quinn
You're a good man, You're a good man.-Connor

Charlie Brown: "I'm late!"

The Song will begin here for now!
Please have your cast member find their part and begin reveiwing their notes.

You're a good man, Charlie Brown.
You're the kind of reminder we need.-Reagan

You have humility, nobility and a sense of honor that is very rare indeed.-Gwen

You're a good man Charlie Brown. And we know you will go very far.-Olivia

Yes, it's hard to beleive, almost fright'ning to conceive, 
What a good man you are.-Alice

Schroeder: You are kind.

You are kind to all the animals and every little bird.-Caitlin
With a heart of gold, you believe what you're told.-Skylar

Ev'ry single solitary word.-Quinn

You bravly face adversity. 
You're cheerful through the day.-Cameron

You're thoughtful, brave and courteous.-Kira
And you also have some faults but for the moment let's
just say:-Robin

That you're a good man, Charlie Brown.
You're a prince, and a prince could be king.-Josie

With a heart such as yours, you could open any doors. 
You could go out and do anything.-Noah

You could be king, Charlie Brown.
You could be king.-Quinn

(Charlie Brown continues with his lyrics-while the cast continues to sing . . . )

You're a good man, Charlie Brown.-Connor
You're a good man, Charlie Brown.-Lexi
You're a good man, Charlie Brown.-Jude
You're a good man, Charlie Brown.-Kira

Never sleep.-Gwen
Loud and deep.-Olivia
Take a leap.-Caitlin

Charlie Brown, Charlie Brown . . .-Robin

You're a good man, Charlie Brown.
You're a good man, Charlie Brown.-Noah

Get on the bus.-Noah
Get on the bus.-Quinn
Go ahead, get on the bus, Charlie Brown-Connor
Don't wanna be late for school.-Lexi
That's right!-Connor
Don't wanna be late!-Harrison
Don't wanna be late for school!-Alice

You're a good man, Charlie Brown.-Lexi
You're the kind of reminder we need.
You have humility, nobility and a sense of honor
That is very rare indeed.-Jude

You're a good man, Charlie Brown-Reagan
You're a prince, and a prince could be king.-Skylar

With a heart such as yours, 
You could open any doors.-Josie

You could go out and do anything.-Cameron

You could be king Charlie Brown.
You could be king.-Robin

You could be king! Believe it!-Connor
And you were born for this part.-Lexi

You're a good man, 
You're a good man, Charlie Brown-Jude
You're a good man, Charlie Brown-Connor
You're a good man, Charlie Brown-Lexi
You're a good man, Charlie Brown-Noah
You're a good man, Charlie Brown-Jude
You're a good man, Charlie Brown-Quinn